Meeting Report: Workshop on Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Priorities in Humanitarian Settings Building upon the documented need for further sexual and reproductive health (SRH) research in humanitarian settings and the successful track record of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis (IAWG) to utilize research meetings to help steer their work, the IAWG held a workshop on SRH research priorities on September 10-12, 2018.

In advance of the workshop, an IAWG task team created an initial list of potential research questions from existing reviews and solicited additional questions from IAWG members through the steering committee and sub-working groups. The questions focused on implementation and impact research that would directly benefit SRH programming. IAWG members were asked to complete a ranking exercise of an edited list of questions. During the workshop, participants further refined a sub-set of research questions and developed a sample of concept notes, the process and results of which are detailed in this report. The work summarized in this report is intended to serve as a launching point for SRH implementation and impact research ideas and collaboration around identified key areas of need, both within and beyond IAWG members.

The workshop was hosted by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) in Copenhagen, Denmark. DANIDA is supporting IAWG through a grant to the Women’s Refugee Commission for 2018-19 with a focus on the research and data and voluntary contraception subworking groups as well as the IAWG secretariat. The workshop received additional financial support from Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme, which aims to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base for public health interventions in humanitarian crises. 


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