Policy Brief: Beyond Dividing Lines: Youth-led Civic Engagement for PeaceYoung people in conflict-affected societies around the world are leading and actively participating in civic engagement processes for peace. Their diverse and innovative approaches do not only empower youth themselves, but also contribute to peace and development in their communities. This policy brief presents the findings of a research on youth-led civic engagement in Afghanistan, Colombia, Libya, and Sierra Leone, four countries that are at different phases of conflict for comparative purposes. Identifying key motivators and barriers, the findings show that while a variety of factors motivates youth to actively engage, several barriers limit their motivation. Young people are driven by an inner motivation to change situations that affect them personally and their communities, which is further strengthened by having access to safe spaces for participation and the freedom of expression. However, young people’s struggles for secure livelihood and negative community perceptions limit their motivation, time, level of education and mobility to engage.

This is a series of policy briefs written by United Network of Young Peacebuilders, a YouthPower Learning grantee. Access the rest of UNOY grant deliverables here.


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